7 Beginner Friendly BOSU Exercises
These are amazing for diversifying your training — it adds a stabilising element. We’re only scratching the surface with these variations.
When I go to the gym, I always see this amazing piece of kit unused & unloved, tucked away in a corner. Why? They’re awesome! Amazing if you want to diversify your training by adding a stabilising element. Not to mention, they’re incredibly versatile. Below are 7 beginner-friendly BOSU exercises you can easily adopt. But first, let’s look at the BOSU & balance training.

About the BOSU
The BOSU ball is an acronym which stands for Both Sides Up. Let’s take a look.
Dome Side Up: Your feet/hands may be in an awkward positions whilst doing some moves. However the flat side is down so you don’t have to worry about rocking.
Flat Side Up: Demands more balance because the uneven side is on the floor.
What is balance training?
"Balance training involves doing exercises that strengthen the muscles that help keep you upright, including your legs and core. These kinds of exercises can improve stability and help prevent falls" [1]Webmd
Why balance is important?
“Improved balance and muscle group coordination will naturally increase your body’s ability to control itself during challenging tasks” [2]Athletico Physical Therapy
This is only a quote from the article but it goes in depth of why balance is important. Encourage the read!
Right, here we go.
1 BOSU Dome Forward Lunge
Ok, we’ve all lunged before but by performing this on the dome side, we introduce dome ankle stability. Perform on both sides.
2 BOSU Mountain Climber
These can be done with the dome side up, but challenge yourself! This works the hip flexors and helps core/shoulder stability.
3 BOSU Dome Tricep Dip
Now let’s hit the arms — the triceps specifically. The dome side up is an easier version because you don’t have to worry about the rocking. This pairs nicely with the knee down push up because all you have to do is change your position slightly.
4 BOSU Dome Superman (Alternating Arm/Legs)
A bit of coordination here, lie flat on the dome then extend your arms & legs. Raise the right leg and left arm at the same time. Then do the same on the opposite side. This lightly works the back and shoulders.
5 BOSU Dome Shoulder Raise (W)
This is a great shoulder mobility, rotator cuff exercise. The trick is to keep the elbows at 90 degrees on the rotation. It may be body weighted, but you’ll feel these for sure…
6 BOSU Dome Knee Push Up
If you have wrist problems and want to work the chest, maybe this is a variations for you. Make sure the knees are cushioned with a gym/yoga mat.
7 BOSU Dome Bird Dog (Hands Down)
My favourite from this set is this bird dog variation. Your core and back will work quite hard on this one. Not to mention the BOSU is adding a balance/stability element to the move.
Final Thoughts
Hopefully you’re beginning to see how you can utilise the BOSU in your exercise regiment. Here’s the thing, we’re only scratching the surface with these variations — you’ve got loads to choose from! You can also see if a professional’s posted a BOSU workout on our public search in-app. Fancy giving these a try? Let me know how you get on.