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Quantum Trainer Straight Leg Deadlift with Bar

  • Beginner
  • Hamstrings · Glutes

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Setup instructions

1) Attach the bar attachment to the Quantum Trainer
Ensure the bar is set low enough to allow for the range of motion of your hinge.

2) Stand within the bar with the QT behind you and hold with a overhand grip (slightly wider than thigh width) allowing the bar to hang against the front of the legs

3) Set the feet around hip width (stance may be individualised).

Perform instructions

1) Whilst keeping the back flat and core strong, hinge forward from the hips until the bar at least passes your knees.

2) Depending on your flexibility and strength, this range may be more.
The most important thing is keeping the legs relatively straight and the back/neck straight.

3) Pause at end of range, then bring yourself back to the starting position and squeeze the glutes without arching the back.

4) Repeat for required reps.
