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Standing Romanian Deadlift/Hip Hinge on Cable

  • Intermediate
  • Hamstrings · Quadriceps · Glutes

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Setup instructions

1) On one side of the cable machine slide the anchor point to the bottom.

2) Select your weight and attach a bar to the end.

3) Hold the attachment close to your body in front of the hips.

Perform instructions

1) Slowly bend your legs and lower yourself into a squat position. Keep the chest up, core tight, back flat and head neutral. Lower your legs until they’re at least parallel to the floor.

2) Pause for a second at the bottom. Now, drive through your heels and thrust your hips forward until you’re standing - the bar should be past your knees.

3) Repeat.

Note: Don't let the weights touch each other. Lower until there's an inch between.
