20:22 Barbell Challenge | BurnIt ~ A Dope Finisher
🕰️ Can you complete it in under 20 minutes? 🛑 22 reps per round 🛑 22 compound movements | 2x over ✅ Take a break after each round ❌ Don’t stop mid-exercise! I created this fun finisher with only three moves - sounds easy right? Give it a try 😉 ***Choose your weight*** Once saved, look at the top right: 1 - Click the ‘more button’ (it’s the three dots) 2 - Click ‘Update targets’ 3 - Overwrite with yours
- 20 minutes
- Advanced
- Abdominals · Biceps · Upper Back · Chest · Quadriceps · Shoulders
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Round One
7 Reps | Squats 4 Reps | Bent Over Row
Round Two
6 Reps | Squats 5 Reps | Bent Over Rows
Round Three
11 Reps | Clean & Presses
Round Four
5 Reps | Squats 6 Reps | Bent Over Rows
Round Five
4 Reps | Squats 7 Reps | Bent Over Rows
Round Six
11 Reps | Clean & Presses
Round Seven
7 Reps | Squats 4 Reps | Bent Over Row
Round Eight
6 Reps | Squats 5 Reps | Bent Over Rows
Round Nine
11 Reps | Clean & Presses
Round Ten
7 Reps | Squats 4 Reps | Bent Over Rows
Round Eleven
6 Reps | Squats 5 Reps | Bent Over Rows
Final Round
11 Reps | Clean & Presses
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