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Dumbbell Bench Press 21s with Pronated Grip

  • Intermediate
  • Chest

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Setup instructions

1) Start by lying on a flat bench on your back and plant the feet on the floor.

2) Grab the dumbbells with an overhand grip and place them above your chest.

3) Extend your arms upwards with a slight bend in your elbows. Keep your hands shoulder width apart with palms facing away.

Perform instructions

1) From the start point (extended arms) slowly lower the weight to your chest then only push halfway for 7 reps. (bottom half reps) Drive from the feet on the push upwards.

2) Then Extend the weights to the top and lower to the halfway point (top half reps) for 7 reps

3) Then extend to the start point and lower the weights to the chest doing full range for the last 7 reps.
