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Front Foot Elevated Dumbbell Split Squat
- Beginner
- Quadriceps · Hamstrings · Glutes
Setup instructions
1) With front foot elevated take a long step back with opposite leg.
Use a wall or pole for balance if required
2) Dumbbell in one of both hands hanging by sides
3) Heel raised on back leg.
Keep the chest up, core and glutes tight.
4) The front foot should be in full contact at all times to give a stable split stance.
You won't move from this position.
Perform instructions
1) Drive forward and down keeping front heel fully in contact with platform.
Front knee should project over toe.
2) Groin are should move as close to front achilles as possible, if there are flexibility issues chose a higher platform
2) Press into your front heel and drive back to the starting position.
3) Repeat on both sides for required reps