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Kettlebell Alternating Juggle Row
- Beginner
- Upper Back
Setup instructions
1) Stand tall with your chest up and core tight.
2) Step your right foot back (about a foot or 2) and lift that heel up. You should be in a lunge position.
3) Hinge forward from the hips, keep the back flat and have a slight bend in the left knee.
4) Grab the weight with your right hand. Let it hang towards the floor - directly under your shoulder.
Perform instructions
1) Press into your front foot and extend the leg to standing. As you do this, bring the back foot to meet your front and pass the kettlebell to your left hand.
2) Now, shift the weight to your right foot and step your left foot back. Lunge down so the weight is near shin level.
3) Follow this pattern and repeat.