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Quantum Trainer Pronated Grip Renegade Row With Press Up

  • Intermediate
  • Upper Back · Abdominals · Chest

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Setup instructions

1) Add the pronated grip handles to the Quantum Trainer Arms

2) Hold the handles with an overhand grip

3) Set up in a high plank position so the hands are directly below the shoulders.

4) Ensure back & neck are straight & the core is braced tightly

Perform instructions

1) Holding a strong plank position slowly pull one handle towards the side of the waist.
Squeeze the elbow back/down & pull the shoulder blades together.

2) Pause & squeeze at end of range then slowly bring your arm back to the starting position.

3) Change sides & repeat on the other side.

4) Then lower the chest between the hands until you feel a stretch on the chest then engage arms, chest & back to press back to a straight arm position.

5) Repeat for required reps alternating the row on each side before the press up.
