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B Stance Barbell Glute Bridge

  • Intermediate
  • Glutes · Pelvic Floor

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Setup instructions

1) Lay on your back, bend your knees and plant the feet on the floor

2) Place the barbell just below the hip bones with a bar pad on the bar

3) Place the non-working foot slighly further forward than the working foot.
The heel should be just in front of the working toe.

4) Raise the toe of the non working foot so you are just balancing on the heel.

5) Shift the weight to your working foot and drive the hips up.

Perform instructions

1) Press into your working heel, engage your glutes and slowly thrust your body up. The endpoint should be a straight line between your thighs and torso.

2) Ensure you keep the chin tucked down throughout and the rib cage tucked down so all the work is put through the glutes.
Lower the weight slowly

3) Repeat on other leg for required reps.
