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Stability Ball Plyo Push Up

  • Advanced
  • Chest

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Setup instructions

1) Place the stability ball behind you.

2) Hinge forward from the hips and plant both hands on the floor (make sure your hands are directly under your shoulders). Put one shin on the ball.

3) Shift the weight to your hands and put your other leg on the ball. You should be in a decline plank position. Keep the hips up and core tight. You're aiming for a straight line between the legs, back, head and neck.

Perform instructions

1) Slowly lower your chest to the ground - you should feel a stretch in the chest.

2) Now, push the ground away with enough force to make your chest become airborne - keep the legs on the ball.

3) Brace yourself for the impact by keeping a slight bend in the elbows.

4) Keep the momentum and lower yourself into the start of the push up.

5) Repeat.

Note: this is a high impact exercise on your wrists.
