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Sandbag Romanian Deadlift to Row (One Leg)

  • Intermediate
  • Hamstrings · Quadriceps · Glutes · Upper Back

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Setup instructions

1) Start with the sandbag on the floor and face towards it with a medium stance - shins almost touch the bar.

2) Hinge forward from the hips, bend your knees and keep the back flat. Grab the top handles with an overhand grip, hands shoulder width apart.

3) Push into the heels and lift the bar off the ground - you should be fully standing.

4) Shift your weight to your left leg and lift your right leg up off the ground. Extend it behind you.

Perform instructions

1) Hinge forward from the hips and keep the bag close to your leg. You're aiming for a slight bend in your left knee. Pause when your back and rear leg is near parallel to the floor at the bottom of the movement.

2) Row the bag towards your lower chest - squeeze the shoulder blades together at the top. Pause for a second and bring your arms back to the starting position.

3) Drive through your heel and thrust your hips forward until you’re standing - the bag should be past your knees.

4) Repeat.

Note: Don't let the bag touch the ground. Lower until shin level.
