Personal trainer
I am a qualified PT
With a love for bodybuilding
I live the lifestyle and love to help people with there training and nutrition to get the body goal they want
Online or one to one
I have done many bodybuilding shows and will always train as if I’m going to compete again
Fitain is FREE
for everyone to use
All features & functionality are included. We have worked hard to make sure we can help as many people as possible take the next steps on their health and fitness journey.

Get started straight away
Sign up takes less than a minute and unlike existing apps, we don't ask for your age, weight, height, sex or shoe size. Find high-quality workout plans and health and fitness professionals in a matter of seconds. You can even take things a step further and connect with a trainer. You're in control and your information is always kept safe and secure at all times. We will never share your data with other companies.