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Foam Roller Figure 4 Glute Release

  • Beginner
  • Glutes

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Setup instructions

1) Place the foam roller on the floor and sit on it - you're aiming for your tailbone to have contact. Plant your feet on the floor so your knees point up.

2) Lift your left leg and rest that ankle on your right thigh. This will cause your right leg to be internally rotated.

3) Place your hands slightly behind either side. You should have contact with the floor at all times.

4) Sit tall with your chest up.

Perform instructions

1) Find the area of discomfort and hold it in place - apply some pressure. Adjust your position if needed.

2) Slowly roll back and forth along the muscle.

Note: If you discover more discomfort around the area, repeat step 1 (for about 20-30s). You shouldn't feel pain.
